Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Grandma's Rocker...

In my last post I shared a Shabby Chic Bed makeover that I recently completed for a client.  You can see the bed in a photo below and read the last blog to learn more about the bed.  
In addition to the bed my client also had me transform her Grandma's Rocking Chair:

I started by removing the upholstery.  I then primed the piece and painted it with Sherwin Williams Antique White Paint. 

Once the piece was dry I lightly distressed the arms, legs and back.  I then applied a coat of clear wax.

My client has someone she has used in the past to reupholster items.  Since this has springs and needed them to be restrung we decided to let a professional reupholster handle this job! 

She absolutely loves her Grandma's Rocker and it is now in the Nursery awaiting the arrival of the new baby!  How exciting!  I am sure this new family will be using this rocker for years to come!

I have many other fabulous transformations to share with you and look forward to writing many more blogs!  Thanks!

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